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SRE: Re-announcement of a procurement for the renovation of Arsenāls Exhibition Hall interior


The evaluation of tenders for the renovation of Arsenāls Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art submitted by applicants in February found that the tenders did not meet the requirements and financial capabilities of the contracting authority. Therefore, a decision was made to suspend the procurement procedure and, after adjusting the technical specifications, to re-announce the procurement to ensure that the works will be performed in high quality, Jelena Gavrilova, Board Member of SJSC “State Real Estate” (SRE) informed.

“Two tenders were received under the procurement procedure for the renovation of Arsenāls Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art. However, an evaluation showed that they did not meet our requirements and financial capabilities. Taking into account the market situation and our financial capabilities, we made changes to the technical specification of the open tender regulations. The new procurement contains adjusted qualifications requirements and the criteria for the most economically advantageous tender, as well as a reduced deadline for the performance of works,” Jelena Gavrilova, SRE Board Member, said.

Interested parties are welcome to apply for the procurement “Changes to the building design and development of the building design in a 3D BIM environment, author’s supervision, updating of BIM during construction, and construction works at 1 Torņa Street, Riga”, ID No. SRE 2024/7/2-8/AK-44, here:

The works will include the construction and reconstruction of various premises required for the use of the building, including the construction of load-bearing structures, as well as external and internal engineering networks. The Arsenāls Exhibition Hall project will preserve the historical values and architectural authenticity, including restoration of the unique wooden stairs, while also improving the building’s energy efficiency, functionality and flexibility, as a result of which the renovated interior spaces will be suitable for various exhibitions and events. The refurbishment will ensure compliance of the exhibition hall with building regulations and modern requirements , both in terms of storing and exhibiting works of art, as well as providing employees and visitors with the conditions and a level of comfort that meet modern requirements. The project also includes the construction of a ventilation system with recuperation units for energy recovery, as well as an air climate control system. In the course of works, the section of Torņa Street from Jēkaba Street to Arsenāla Street will be redesigned, thus improving the quality of roads and sidewalks and promoting environmental accessibility.

The procurement also includes changes to the building design and development of the building design in the 3D BIM environment, author’s supervision, updating of BIM (Building Information Modelling) during construction, so that the project is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the contracting authority, i.e. the Latvian National Museum of Art, as well as applicable laws and regulations.

Arsenāls Exhibition Hall is an example of classicist architecture and the renovation project is part of the regulatory framework directed by the Ministry of Culture for the preservation of unique cultural monuments of national importance located in the historical centre of Riga, within the territory included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. This project plans to develop three objects in the historical centre of Riga, i.e. the Great Guild, the Arsenāls Exhibition Hall, and the public outdoor space of Old Riga.

85% of the reconstruction and restoration of Arsenāls Exhibition Hall will be financed through the EU policy of cohesion programme 2021–2027, specific support objective 5.1.1, “Promoting the integrated social, economic and environmental development of local territories and cultural heritage, tourism and safety in functional areas of cities”, measure, “Restoration of unique European-wide cultural heritage to promote accessibility by developing cultural services”.

About Arsenāls Exhibition Hall

The Arsenāls Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art is located inside an important architectural monument, i.e. a customs warehouse building (“arsenal”) built in the early 19th century, in the late Russian classicism style, functionally adapted as a museum. The original building project was authored by architect Johann Eduard de Witte. A little later, the design was supplemented following the suggestions by Julius Adolph Spazier. Then, in 1828, a St. Petersburg architect Alexander Nellinger and an architect of the customs department Ivan Lucchini developed the final version, and in November 1832, the building was officially commissioned. The Arsenal building was always used as a warehouse. In the 1920s and 1930s, it served as a storehouse for the military. After the Second World War, it was used to store various goods by the Soviet Army and a military school. In the mid-1980s, the building was taken over by the Ministry of Culture who handed it over for the creation of an art museum. On 1 January 1989, after the art collection of the second half of the 20th century was moved from the building on Krišjāņa Valdemāra Street, the Arsenāls Museum of Art opened its doors here.