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The aim of the project is to create a multifunctional cultural object accessible to the public - a complex of multifunctional cultural premises and performing arts decoration workshops of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet. Along with the implementation of the project, the area of Šķirotava will also gain vitality and a new start, where stage artists, decorators and technical staff will be actively working. This will improve the socio-economic environment of the area, which will also attract more private investments.

After the dismantling of the slums and the creation of external engineering networks (water supply, heat supply, electricity, communications, domestic sewerage and sewage collection systems), a multifunctional complex of 6201 m2 will be built and a surrounding area of 8792 m2 will be upgraded.

The new complex of decoration workshops and rehearsal halls will not only facilitate the planning of rehearsals, but will also allow one to use the New Hall of the National Opera and Ballet House for the purpose for which it is intended - to delight visitors with new performances.

Zigmars Liepiņš,
Chairman of the Board of the Latvian National Opera and Ballet (2013-2019)

Project preparation
Construction project design
Construction works
Delivery to the customer

Project preparation
Construction project design
Construction works
Delivery to the customer
Date of the announcement for the procurement of construction works: Feb 2021
Scheduled date of contract signing for the construction works: Aug 2021
Estimated duration of the construction works: 24 months


History of the building

The territory of Šķirotava, where the object to be built is located, is currently one of the most degraded districts of Riga, but at the same time a historical industrial environment has been preserved there. Industrial facilities are no longer used today, so the district is functionally and visually degraded.


Project name and identification number:
Establishment of a performing arts decoration workshop and rehearsal hall complex at Lubānas iela 80, Riga /

Objective of the project:
European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the implementation of specific support objective 5.6.1 “To promote the revitalisation of the city of Riga, ensuring efficient socio-economic use of the territory” to develop a multifunctional cultural infrastructure object accessible to the public - Latvian National Opera and Ballet multifunctional cultural space and performing arts decoration workshop complex (3300 m2), to improve the socio-economic environment of the Šķirotava neighbourhood by increasing the availability of cultural activities available to the residents of the neighbourhood, to attract private investment by improving part of the neighbourhood, as well as to multiply the revitalisation effect in nearby neighbourhoods (Pļavnieki, potentially Dreiliņi and Dārzciems).

Main activities of the project:
demolition of slums; new building development; creation of external engineering networks; territory improvement.

Project term and financing:
the project is planned to be implemented from March 2017 to December 2022. The total funding of the project is planned to be EUR 4 999 970.59 (excluding VAT), of which the European Regional Development Fund funding is EUR 4 249 975 (85%) and the state budget co-financing is EUR 749 995.59 (15%).

Project benefits:
the implementation of the project will be a significant benefit in the context of Riga, Latvia and Europe for residents, entrepreneurs and guests of Riga.

  1. Residents of the city of Riga: As a result of project implementation, the direct beneficiaries will be the residents of the Šķirotava area, who will have access to an improved, customised and safe environment in the future, thus promoting the residents' satisfaction with the specific residential area of ​​Riga and its development. Along with ensuring the availability of cultural and entertainment functions, creation of new infrastructure and improvement of the existing infrastructure, opportunities for high-quality leisure time for the population will be provided, thus promoting an increase in the number of visits to the territories and reducing the criminogenic environment. All residents of Riga are considered to be indirect beneficiaries, who will have access to an improved territory around Riga, which will ensure or promote the development of the adjacent neighbourhoods.
  2. Guests of Riga: the target group of the project is also tourists (guests of Riga), who will have access to a renewed recreation environment for viewing and exploring. It is expected that the newly created objects will attract guests of Riga with performances, concerts and excursions.
  3. Entrepreneurs: as a result of project implementation, the interest of entrepreneurs regarding the territory of Šķirotava will increase the will to improve the infrastructure in tourism and active recreation objects. Within the framework of project implementation, job places and commercial revenue will be created both in directly related sectors, such as tourism and catering, and in indirectly related sectors - transportation, construction, trade.
  4. Educational institutions and learners: after the implementation of the project, the educational institution will be adapted to the needs of modern interest educational programmes, as well as accessibility will be provided to persons with disabilities. Also, by customising the buildings to the needs of the educational institution, the availability of the infrastructure and suitability for the establishment of an effectively functioning lifelong learning system in the field of design and culture will be ensured.

    7/27/2018 signed financing agreement with CFLA;
    7/31/2018 an agreement has been concluded with the developer of the construction project - SIA “Arhitektu birojs Krasts” regarding the development of the construction project and performance of author supervision;
    04/09/2019 the construction project in the minimum composition has been submitted to the Riga City Construction Board;
    10/25/2019 a building permit with design conditions has been received from the Riga City Construction Board;
    08/03/2020 an agreement has been concluded with SIA “JADIS” on the development of a civil protection plan;
    8/17/2020 an agreement has been concluded with the design agreement with SIA “Arhitektu birojs Krasts” on the performance of additional works;
    8/17/2020 an agreement has been concluded with JSC “Inspecta Latvia” on the examination of the construction plan documentation.
    12/12/2021 the procurement “For the performance of construction works for the implementation of the construction project“ Establishment of a performing arts decoration workshop complex at Meirānu Street 2, Riga ”has been announced”
    21.05.2021. open tenders for construction procurement.
    3/18/2021 The informative report on the implementation of high readiness projects in 2021 was approved at the Cabinet of Ministers meeting. and in 2022, funding for the implementation of the project will be allocated in the amount of 3,312,370 EUR, - in 2021 1,500,000 EUR and in 2022 1,812,370 EUR.
    6/11/2021 the construction project has been approved by the Riga City Construction Board.
    05.12.2023 Agreement signed to complete the work by 1 April 2024. 
    13.03.2024 Stage prop warehouse No. 2 completed
    13.03.2024 Construction of building structures completed in warehouse No. 7; low-current line installation and defect repairs continue. 
    13.03.2024 Construction of building structures completed in the main building; installation of utilities and finishing continue. 
    13.03.2024 Grounds improvement resumes after the winter break. 

    01.04.2024. Turpinās teritorijas labiekārtošanas darbi – bortakmeņu montāža un bruģa ieklāšana.
    09.04.2024. Abpusēji parakstīta vienošanās par būvdarbu līguma termiņa pagarināšanu līdz 23.05.2024.
    27.05.2024. ekspluatācijā nodota 1.kārta.
    15.07.2024. Turpinās teritorijas labiekārtošanas darbi, betona apmaļu montāža, bruģa ieklāšana.
    08.2024. Pabeigta vārtu montāža starp zālēm, metāla durvju montāža, grīdu sagatavošana un linoleja ieklāšana, galda virsmu montāža, sētas stabu montāža. Būvvaldē saskaņotas projekta izmaiņas, ģenplāns un jaunā žoga izbūve. Veikta ugunsdrošības pasākuma plāna ekspertīze, saņemts pozitīvs atzinums.
    05.09. 2024. ekspluatācijā nodota 2. un 3. kārta.
    06.09.2024. blakus esošajā šķūnī izcēlās paaugstinātas bīstamības ugunsgrēks, kā rezultātā cieta 2. un 3. kārtā izbūvētais apjoms- tika bojāta nojume un dekorāciju darbnīcas ēka.
    28.11.2024. noslēgts līgums ar SIA “CORVID Būve” par ugunsgrēka izraisīto defektu novēršanu

    Informācija atjaunota: 01.12.2024.