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Project preparation
Construction project design
Construction works
Delivery to the customer

This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union . SJSC “State Real Estate” is fully responsible for its content and it may not reflect the view of the European Union.

The aim is to improve the transport basic infrastructure at BCP (border crossing place) “Silene” and BCP “Urbāni”, in order to diminish the border crossing time, queues on state regional motorway P68 and throughput capacity of BCP. By including the construction of united traffic carriageway and solutions of transport and pedestrian traffic in compliance with road safety in all sections, it is important to ensure the establishment of environment friendly and comfortable transport system components, besides taking into consideration the preconditions of BCP development at local and international level. Another aim is to achieve cover load rating corresponding to European Union normative loads, at the same time ensuring the comfort and safety of motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.


"This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of  VAS "Valsts nekustamie īpašumi" (State Joint Stock company “State Real Estate”) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union."

Project title and identification number: European neighbourhood instrument Latvia–Lithuania–Belarus cross-border cooperation programme's 2014–2020 project "Modernization of the BCP “Urbani” (Republic of Belarus) and BCP “Silene” (Republic of Latvia)", project identification code _EKI_SILENE.

The aim of the project: To improve the transport basic infrastructure between BCP “Silene” and BCP “Urbāni”, by saving time of motorcars and lorries as well as pedestrians crossing the border. The result of the project will be seen as increased BCP throughput capacity, which will allow managing all types of increasing vehicle traffic, as well as increasing the safety of those crossing the border on foot.

The main activities of the project: Road section reconstruction between BCP “Urbāni” and BCP “Silene”, by expanding the carriageway with additional lanes in both directions, including the reconstruction of engineering communications; the installation of control barriers, the installation of pedestrian tracks in both directions for persons crossing the border on foot, the installation of the enclosure for the separation of lines of inbound and outbound vehicles and the demarcation of the territory; the construction of transport management infrastructure (vehicle stopping equipment, etc.) to promote vehicle flow management. 

Project term and funding: It is planned to realize the project from June 2016 until April 2020. The total funding of the project for Latvia's side is 1.19 million EUR, from which 1.07 million EUR is ENI programme's funding (90% funding of EU funds, 10% state budget funding).

The benefits of the project: Realization of the project will be a significant benefit in the context of Latvia and Europe for the citizens, businessmen and guests of Latvia.

Implementation of the ENI programme's projects is possible only in cooperation with the authorities responsible for border crossing in Belarus, as the project plans to rebuild and extend the existing road between BCP “Silene” and BCP “Urbāni”, planning investments on both sides of the border. Therefore, the implementation of these projects is essential especially within ENI programme, in order to ensure Latvia–Belarus institution partnership during the implementation of the projects.
Project implementation in partnership with State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus; Minsk City.
Programme website:


  • On 20.04.2017, conclusion of agreement with SIA "A‑Vide" on the development of the construction design and performance of authorized supervision;
  • On 30.11.2018, conclusion of agreement with PS "LNK INDUSTRIES GROUP" on construction;
  • On 09.01.2019, conclusion of agreement with SIA "REM PRO" on performance of authorized supervision.

Information renewed: 05.02.19